Thinking about working with a digital marketing firm? The first step is to get to know us.
Whether you’ve been referred to us or discovered our site in a search engine or a link in an article or blog post, we need to open the kimono a bit because in a business to business (B2B) context, people tend to work with companies they trust. This section of our website is all about engendering such trust.
Many of our clients face similar challenges establishing trust – especially when they are startups and don’t have the track records their competitors have.
Fortunately, our firm has been around for a while. We are not starting from scratch to establish our bona fides and credibility. The buttons across the top highlight what we can do for you depending on the industry you are in.
We teach our clients that one of the first ways to build trust in sales relationships, is by sharing war stories and testimonials. You will find some of these inside our website.
A second credibility building method – which we are employing – is to share circumstances where our abilities and services can be offered.
One of the inherent obstacles to a new relationship is the “luggage” factor where someone has had a prior bad experience. We service providers are often faced with being labeled as a commodity where we become perceived as another “vendor just like that other Company I worked with.”
The reality is that we and the clients we represent are often not just competing on our own merits. We are put into the ring with other providers who make aggressive promises they have no intention of delivering.
Instead of trying to meet these unwinnable discussions head to head we have a different more positive approach. Here are a few key methods we employ in our trust building endeavors with prospective clients:
We offer “social proof” which includes case studies and testimonials exhibiting real stories of real people who have worked with our team before. B2B marketers often relate that sharing customer stories is highly effective.
We don’t offer any guarantees we can’t back. Decision makers know that it’s almost impossible to make a guarantee. So rather than guarantee the unknowable result, stick to your guns about guaranteeing your process will be followed. Our proposals are very transparent and show the step by process we employ for designing, building and/or promoting websites.
The critical goal is to show you how our firm works and how we approach problems with intuitive and results based solutions.
Click around and see what we can have done for others that we can also do for you.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.